system query time is set to 1 hour, T3212 value of cell A is set to 4 (0.4
hour), and T3212 value of the adjacent cell B is set to 8 (0.8 hour), and they
are in the same location area. MS reselects B when the periodic location update
status in A is 3/4, and the MS periodic location update status in B changes
to 3/8.
If MS stays in B for some time and the location update status reaches 7/8,
then MS reselects A. At this time, it can be seen that in cell A, MS
reselection status changes to “7/4”, i.e. 3/4. If MS reselects to B at this time, the status will
change to 3/8,
instead of 7/8. The above analysis shows that if the above case occurs (the
probability is high), though T3212 values of both cells are smaller than the
system query time, MS reselects so frequently that the final equivalent time is
greater than system query time. Thus the subscriber will be considered as a
power-off subscriber within certain time even it is in normal idle mode.
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